Sunday, November 26, 2006

Working With Affiliate Programs

Everywhere you look you see affiliate program offers for
every product or service that you can think of. Some have
fully automated systems that sell high volumes of hard
products all over the world. In case you don't know, "hard"
products are those that you can touch...unlike an ebook or
downloadable web template. Many affiliate programs have
several thousand affiliates and one or two of the bigger
companies have over one million affiliates.

What are the advantages of joining an affiliate program?

They provide a ready-made business. This is a very big plus
for those people who want to earn some kind of living off
the Internet but lack the knowledge or inclination to set up
a business by themselves.

Commissions and rewards are generally good, and the more
established programs offer a real chance of advancement to
higher and better-paid levels.

Other affiliates are usually on hand to offer practical

What are the limitations?

You are restricted in your promotional activities due to the
fact that you do not actually own the affiliate site they
give you. You won't be able to put such things as banners,
images, links, meta tags, etc. onto your page.
The URL of your affiliate page is often either too long or
contains such awkward things as question marks, which many
Search Engines will not index.

Any promotional ads or articles have probably already been
used by thousands of other people and consequently may have
lost its impact, making it more difficult to achieve sales
or referrals.

If the program you have joined has not yet established
itself (or in some cases even if it has), then you may
encounter problems with payments owed to you not being
honored. You also run the risk of low quality products or
sub-standard statistics that do not accurately record how
many referrals or sales you have made.

You may be required to purchase a minimum quantity of the
product on a regular basis before you start to qualify for
commissions or even before you can become an affiliate.
You may not get the technical or affiliate support you might
expect from the company. This may be due to inadequate
staffing, or the company's negligence.

Other people in your downline do nothing to promote the

At least four of the above limitations can be overcome with
a little time and effort. You could, for example, come up
with fresher ads to promote the program (provided this is

Visit our new Affiliate site for more information on Affiliate Marketing to read the end of this Affiliate Marketing article

Aerobic Cross Training for Weight Loss

Do you sometimes get bored with your aerobic exercise? Do You sometimesfeel like you're not getting the resultsyou should from your aerobic exercise?If so, then aerobic cross-training isfor you.

Aerobic cross-training refers to usingtwo to three different types of aerobicexercise during an exercise session. Forexample, if you plan to exercise for 60minutes, you might start with 20 minutesof walking or jogging, followed by 20minutes of biking, and finish with 20minutes of rowing.

Now, please don't get the impression thatyou have to be in great shape to do thisor that it has to be 60 minutes long.You can start with something as simpleas a ten minute walk followed by tenminutes with an exercise video. This iscross-training too. You can graduallybuild up from there.

Here are some of the exercises you canuse in your cross-training program;walking, jogging, biking, rowing, stairclimbing, swimming, exercise videos, etc.Any combination of aerobic exerciseswill do. You simply go from one to thenext with very little time betweenthem.

Aerobic cross-training is beneficial toyou in several ways:

1. It provides variety which eliminatesthe monotony often associated with doingthe same exercise for a long period oftime.

2. If your exercise sessions are less monotonous and more enjoyable, youare much more likely to exercise moreoften and for longer periods of time.

3. You are less prone to over-useinjuries that sometimes occur fromdoing the same exercise movements overand over again.

Visit our new aerobics information site to read the entire aerobics article

Advertising For The Long Haul and Not the Short Term Gains

New Age Media Concepts issues its first article of many that will focus on the advertising and marketing industry.

"If a young man tells his date she's intelligent, looks lovely, and is a great conversationalist, he's saying the right things to the right person and that's marketing. If the young man tells his date how handsome, smart and successful he is -- that's advertising. If someone else tells the young woman how handsome, smart and successful her date is -- that's public relations." By S.H. Simmons.

Welcome to New Age Media Concepts, Inc. where we understand your needs and how to maximize your marketing dollar.

Marketing is your strategy for allocating resources (time and money) in order to achieve your objectives.

People have their own unique perceptions of the world based on their belief system. The most innovative ideas, the greatest products, or a superior service succeed only when you market within the context of people's perceptions. This is true from something as simple as the pet rock craze of the 1970s to the marketing muscle of Wall Street and the Internet boom of the 1990s.

Context can be many things, singly or simultaneously. To name a few, you may market to your customers within the context of their wants, needs, problems solved, or situation improved. Current and potential advertisers need to be aware of many other contexts, such as social and economic trends or governmental regulations.

People don't just "buy" a product or a service. They "buy" the concept of what that product will do for them, or help them do for themselves. People just don't "buy" a laundry detergent, they buy the perceived notion of what that laundry detergent brand says it can accomplish for them. Otherwise every brand in the supermarket will be a no-frills. This is not to say that if a product fails to meet the customers' expectations that product will be successful in the long haul. No amount of advertising and marketing will help a failed product succeed in that scenario.

To have a successful campaign a product or service must understand that they need to start out with something a consumer needs, wants, or improves their situation and that product or service actually does help the consumer for the long haul.

Visit our new advertising information site to read the end of the advertising article