Sunday, October 29, 2006

Free Hugs - What's your favorite bit of the video?

So after a couple of days break, I get this email with the video link and there I am watching the Free hugs Video again. But by the time it had finished, I had unconsciously grown a huge smile on my face and my clicking finger was hiting the replay button.

There are so many great bits.. the changeover from black and white to colour; the interaction with all the different Free Hugs participants; the excitement on the faces of those involved; their are so many really cool bits in this video and the way it masterfully tells the story of unconditional love, it's application and the natural result, which is still growing every moment. In fact, there seems to be people inspired to act in every part of the world, whether it's to blog about it, create dedicated websites to it, or go out with a sign and offer Free Hugs to people they've never met before.

It will be interesting to see what happens with the energy that has been manifested and is growing worldwide. So, what's your favorite bit of the clip? I'd have to say that possibly the bit when a girl holds the Free Hugs sign above herself and immediately gets tackled by her friend for a spontaneous playful Free Hug. Would'nt it be cool if we lived in a world where that was worst thing that could happen to you walking down the street... an over-zealous Free Hugger.

Free Hugs by Email

This weekend, I received some Free Hugs by Email. This phenomenon of Free Hugs has now gone full circle for me in less than 2 weeks. This is the extract of the email I received;
I don’t normally propagate emails around, though I really liked this one.

…and thought you may appreciate it also.

- See the Free Hugs Video here -

Although It may have been some time since out last contact, this is just to let you know you have been remembered.

I trust you are doing well.

Take care and All the best….

Wasn't that nice of him? so funnily enough, the event has gone full circle.

And my mate Garry, has turned 40. If you want to send him some Free Hugs by email for his 40th (I'm sure he'd appreciate it), visit his site, go to the contact details page and email him a Free Hug.

Has anyone else had this type of experience?